Worshiping and serving since 1910.
Bend United Methodist Church
By the early 1900's numerous families lived in the Bend Community. The families represented several different religious faiths, but all the services at that time were held in a one-room schoolhouse.
In 1910, Reverend E.E. Thomson was appointed by the West Texas Methodist Conference as pastor of what was called the Chappel Circuit in San Saba County, which at the time was composed of three small churches: Chappel, Colony, and Rough Creek. Bend was the fourth church added to the circuit.

Bend, TX

Chappel: 1857-1999
Soon after Brother Thomson arrived, he quickly saw the great need for a Methodist Church building and challenged his congregation to build one. The response was very positive and a church was erected on donated land in 1910, through generous efforts of members, friends, and community members.
The Methodist at Bend have always taken pride in their church and its work. The church built in 1910 survived until 1987 when water damage and shifting soil made it necessary to raze the old structure and put up a new one. Once again, through generosity of members, friends, neighbors, and other churches, the old wooden structure was replaced by a modern brick building. Consecration of the new building was held on September 27, 1987.
Bend United Methodist Church is the lone remaining church of the former Chappel Circuit. The church is currently on a charge with the Lometa United Methodist Church. Bend UMC shares a pastor with Lometa where a parsonage is maintained. The church is in the Capital District of the Rio Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church.
A "camp meeting" has been held every year at our Methodist Campground since 1858! It used to be held every August after the harvest. This was a time to celebrate and rejoice after the hard work was completed and a time to give thanks for our blessings. The scheduling may have changed, but the significance has not. Families gather for four days of fellowship, food, worship, and praise Thursday through Sunday.

Colony: 1903-1965
A meal and a message are shared every night with a guest preacher invited to bring the message. Friday is traditionally a fish fry and Sunday is a good 'ol fashion dinner on the grounds. Many memories and stories have come from these campgrounds; husband and wives have met here and other camp meetings have been started due to this steadfast tradition!

Methodist Campground
The above information was compiled from church members.