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Changing Our Mind - Why Is It So Difficult?

There are many hard things to do in life. Despite what the ads say, it is hard to lose weight. It is hard to maintain a healthy relationship. It is hard to age. But one of the most difficult things to do is change your mind.

We set our minds on ideas and people and we are hard to move. We don’t even want to listen to another idea. Why is changing our minds so difficult? Maybe we have to admit that we had a wrong opinion in the first place. No one wants to admit they were wrong. Doubts arise about our other opinions. Soon we don’t trust ourselves. We are afraid of being confused and indecisive. But if we never change our minds we will never grow; we will never become more than we are right now. Consider that even God changes God’s mind, usually in the direction of being forgiving and gracious. Are there areas of our lives in which we should consider changing our minds?

A woman reflecting


Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself'.

Matthew 22:37-39


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