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Remembering Who We Are

There has been a lot of attention paid to forgetting names in the national news. It is

more important to remember who we are. When we forget who we are, and that for

which we stand, then we are lost, as a nation and as a church.

Some churches have mission statements to remind them who they are. One that made sense to me was this one: we seek seekers; build believers; send servers.

We want to walk with people who are looking for something more. We tell them our story. We build up people in love and trust. We seek and build so that people can serve.

That is who we are: a community of followers of Jesus Christ who seek seekers, build

believers, and send servers. That is the focus of everything we do.

Bend Methodist Church


When I am afraid, I put my trust in You.

Psalm 56:3


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