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Aug 7, 2023
Working Together as a Church
I have a children’s book that has a good message. It is about a farm that is a mess. The farmer doesn’t do all the things he was supposed...

Jul 5, 2023
Empty Schedule?
A friend of mine recently wrote that she didn’t have anything on her schedule this week, an empty schedule you might say. She said that...

Jun 5, 2023
2023 Bend Camp Meeting
Camp meeting is almost here but it is much more than an annual event. Camp meetings became a part of the American religious landscape...

May 4, 2023
What To Do With Life's Ups and Downs
Life is full of ups and downs. One minute everything is coming up roses and then in another minute things go bad. Sometimes we make...

Apr 4, 2023
Easter 2023: New Life; New Work
Spring is a time of new life. The trees bud out; the grass starts to grow; the flowers bloom. New life means new work. Plants need to be...

Feb 6, 2023
A Year From Now
Years ago, when we still did charge conference at individual churches, we were asked to set goals for the coming year. If we were...

Jan 5, 2023
Skip the New Year's Resolutions
I have been thinking about New Year’s resolutions. My tennis coach told us to change a losing strategy. If something isn’t working, do...

Dec 5, 2022
Why We Worship
We started a fire in the fireplace on a cold night recently. As the logs burned down, one piece of wood fell away from the heart of the...

Nov 4, 2022
Thankful or Resentful?
I read a story about a 62-year old man in England who was diagnosed with cancer and only had one year to live. He began spending all his...
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